User Registration Thank you for your interest in the MyKidney Research (MKR) Portal. Your participation in research helps improve patient care, clinical outcomes, and bring new therapies to market. By signing up, you will be invited to participate in opinion research studies with DaVita Clinical Research (DCR). Some studies may be paid. You will also receive news articles and other health information of interest.Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Username(Required)Password(Required) Enter Password Confirm Password Strength indicator Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and a special character.Date of Birth(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Home PhoneMobile Phone(Required)Phone Opt In(Required)Please text me at the phone number provided above when messages are available. Charges may apply depending on your service plan. Yes No Are you a chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient?(Required) Yes No Are you currently on dialysis?(Required) Yes No Do you have diabetes?(Required) Yes No Do you have high blood pressure (hypertension)?(Required) Yes No Are you a caregiver to a patient on dialysis?(Required) Yes No Are you a caregiver to a patient with CKD?(Required) Yes No Do you have a care partner?(Required) Yes No Does not apply to me Are you currently being treated by a nephrologist?(Required) Yes No Does not apply to me Where do you/your patient do dialysis?(Required) At a clinic At home using peritoneal dialysis (PD) At home using home hemodialysis (HHD) Does not apply to me Have you ever done dialysis (select all that apply)?(Required) At a clinic At home using peritoneal dialysis (PD) At home using home hemodialysis (HHD) Does not apply to me How long have you/your patient been on dialysis?(Required) Less than 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 years or more Does not apply to me Are you?(Required) Male Female Non-binary Prefer not to answer What is your race?(Required)(Check all that apply) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Prefer not to answer Are you currently?(Required) Married Divorced Widowed Living with a partner Single, never married Prefer not to answer What is the highest level of education you have completed?(Required) High school or less High school diploma or GED Associates degree Bachelor's degree Master's/professional degree or Ph.D. Trade School Prefer not to answer By completing this enrollment form, you provide consent that: DCR may use the personal and health information you provide to determine if you may be eligible to participate in a research study. DCR may contact you about studies via phone, text, and/or email. If you have questions or no longer wish to participate, please email Do You Agree(Required) Yes No Submit button will appear once all required fields above are filled.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ